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    更新時(shí)間:2023-01-05      瀏覽次數:246



    In modern chemical industry,  as a mechanical drag, electric motor become the foundation of all machinery. Improvement of science and technology progress and process control, especially the automation production requirements, make it urgent to develop and improve the motor control and protection equipment , so as to realize the function remote control, remote sensing, remote setting, fault diagnosis, and centralized control of of the production process and large machinery.


    At the same time, the chemical industry have the characteristics of large flux, full load continuous operation, has high requirements for electrical equipment reliability and stability.Once there is an accident, the cause of the problem must been quickly checked and problems must been promptly eliminate, in order to timely recover to produce.In the past ,thermal relay have been used for motor overload protection or use as control components, but limited by component quality and technology, have been unable to meet the development of chemical industrial automation requirements, and new type of intelligent motor protector, can meet the requirement of the protection of motor control. As a motor protection device, motor protector effectively guarantee the safe operation of the electric motor, replaced the thermal relay, By using advanced communication technology, has realized the motor control automation, and take the significant economic benefits.

    2.項目背景Project Ground

    也門(mén)客戶(hù)YCGSI是一家化工型企業(yè), 2019年底,在網(wǎng)上尋找工廠(chǎng)能耗系統,并能接入SAP系統,聯(lián)系到了安科瑞。安科瑞是一家集研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、銷(xiāo)售和服務(wù)于一體的高新技術(shù)企業(yè),致力于為電力用戶(hù)端提供能效管理和用電安全的系統解決方案。安科瑞電氣具備從云平臺軟件到末端元器件的完整生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)。公司當時(shí)正有計劃開(kāi)發(fā)工廠(chǎng)能耗??蛻?hù)12月底參觀(guān)完上??偛?,深入交流后,決定從元器件電動(dòng)機保護器先開(kāi)始采購試用,到目前為止,客戶(hù)反饋比較滿(mǎn)意,并有計劃的續訂其他產(chǎn)品。

    YCGSI, a chemical company based in Yemen, contacted Acrel in late 2019 after its engineer searched online for the factory energy management system which can connected to SAP. Acrel is a high-tech enterprise integrating research and development, production, sales and service. It is committed to providing energy efficiency management and power safety system solutions for power users. Acrel Electric has a complete production line from cloud platform software to components.The company was planning to develop factory energy management system.The customer visited the headquarters in shanghai at the end of December, and after in-depth communication, they decided to start the purchase trial from the motor protector. So far, the customer has given satisfactory feedback, and has planned to renew other products.

    3.化工行業(yè)對保護器功能要求Function requirement of protector in chemical industry

    安科瑞ARD2F電動(dòng)機保護器能對電動(dòng)機運行過(guò)程中出現的起動(dòng)超時(shí)、過(guò)載、堵轉、斷相、不平衡、欠載、接地/漏電、阻塞、過(guò)壓、欠壓、繞組超溫等多種情況進(jìn)行保護,能夠實(shí)現運行時(shí)間、次數統計等功能,對電機的運行電流、電壓、運行時(shí)間、起動(dòng)次數、報警和故障信息等進(jìn)行監視,設有SOE故障事件記錄功能,方便現場(chǎng)維護人員查找故障原因,并通過(guò)LCD液晶顯示屏、狀態(tài)指示燈等各種方式,將電機的運行狀態(tài)清晰、直觀(guān)地顯示出來(lái),該保護器具有RS485遠程通訊接口,DC4~20mA模擬量輸出,方便與PLC、PC等控制機組成網(wǎng)絡(luò )系統,實(shí)現實(shí)現在人機界面對電動(dòng)機監視,滿(mǎn)足化工行業(yè)對電動(dòng)機保護器的需求。

    Acrel ARD2F motor protector can protect motor in the process of starting timeout, overload, locked-rotor, imbalance, phase loss, underload, grounding/leakage, block, overvoltage, undervoltage, winding over temperature and other condition. It realize the function of counting running time, frequency, monitor motor operating current, voltage, running time, starting time, alarm and fault information. It also have the function of SOE failure event record, convenient for maintenance staff to find the causes.Through LCD liquid crystal display and status indicators and so on, running state of the motor is displayed clearly and intuitively. The protector has RS485 remote communication port and DC4-20mA analog output, which is convenient to form a network system with PLC, PC and other control units, realize the monitoring of the motor in the human-machine interface, and meet the needs of the chemical industry for the motor protector.

    4.ARD2F智能型電動(dòng)機保護器在化工行業(yè)的運行效果Performance of ARD2F intelligent motor protector in chemical industry


    When ARD2F intelligent motor protector is applied to the chemical industry, it brings the following operation effects to the automatic production process of chemical industry:

    (1)系統信息集中System information centralization


    User can collect the parameters of each device node by means of meter reading, such as motor current, voltage, motor running status, electric energy, etc. According to these information, the user realizes real-time analysis and processing of the motor running status of field equipment.

    (2)智能化控制保護Intelligent control protection


    When ARD2F intelligent motor protectors are used in the Chemical production process , if motors have the phenomenon such phase loss, over temperature, protector will timely stop motor running, and makes the corresponding instructions for a variety of fault information。The motor protector with anti-electricity shaking function, can be restarted when the power grid fault causes instantaneous and large voltage fluctuation or the short-time power cut and restored.

    (3)故障記錄便于現場(chǎng)問(wèn)題分析Fault recording facilitates field problem analysis


    In the chemical industry, when electric motor falure occurs,  spare motor need to been timely replaced without affecting the operation mechanism.The motor pwith problem should be dealt with in time to ensure continuous production.The early treatment methods need a lot of manpower and material resources and need a certain amount of time to analyze, really not convenient.But ARD2F intelligent motor protector's powerful fault recording function saves maintenance personnel a lot of time, improves production efficiency and system operation reliability.

    5.客戶(hù)現場(chǎng)使用照片Photos on site



    With the continuous development of modern control technology, the motor has become an important part of the control system, and the motor protector is also developing in a diversified direction.Therefore, we should give full consideration to the actual needs of motor protection, judge motor faults in advance, accurately and timely, rationally select protection functions and protection modes, so as to realize good protection of the motor, improve the reliability of equipment operation, reduce unplanned shutdown and reduce accident losses.Motor protector is an important component of power generation, power supply and electricity consuption system. The widespread use of motor protector can not only improve the accuracy and scientificity of process control, reduce the failure rate, but also play a positive role in promoting the automation level of electrical control system and the development of national economy.

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


    • 聯(lián)系電話(huà):18761503215

    • 聯(lián)系郵箱:2880581277@qq.com

    • 公司地址:江陰市南閘東盟工業(yè)園東盟路5號

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