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    更新時(shí)間:2023-01-04      瀏覽次數:290

    摘要:隨著(zhù)電子醫療設備在醫院領(lǐng)域的廣泛應用,漏電流對病人構成的威脅也越來(lái)越大,尤其是那些生命攸關(guān)的場(chǎng)所,病人在手術(shù)中或麻醉狀態(tài)下,各種電極、傳感器直接插入人體內,微小的漏電流都有可能導致病人觸電身亡。另外有些醫療設備用于維持重癥病人的生命,一旦設備停電,也會(huì )對病人的生命構成威脅。因此,對于醫院這一特殊場(chǎng)所的電氣設計,應嚴格按照國家標準和規范要求,采用IT系統供電。本文介紹了馬來(lái)西亞醫療IT在醫院的應用。

    Abstract:With the widespread application of electronic medical equipment in hospitals, the threat of leakage current to patients is becoming greater and greater, especially in places where life is critical. The patients are directly exposed to various electrodes and sensors during surgery or anesthesia. Inserted into the human body, even the slight leakage current may cause the patient to be electrocuted. In addition, some medical equipment is used to maintain the lives of critically ill patients. Once the equipment is powered off, it will also threaten the lives of patients. Therefore, for the electrical design of the special place of the hospital, the IT system should be used for power supply in strict accordance with national standards and regulations.This article introduces the application of Medical isolated power supply in Malaysia,


    Keywords:Medical IT,Insulation monitor device,fault locator

    0.項目概述:Project Overview


    Malaysia I.E.D is located in SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN,the project is mainly used in island hospital in Malaysia,the products are used for 12 circuit insulation fault location for 3 sets hospital isolated power system,the related products are insulation monitor device AIM-M200,signal test generator ASG150,centralized alarm indicator AID150,insulation fault locator AIL150-8,AIL150-4 and leakage current transformer AKH-0.66P26. 

    1.醫療IT系統介紹Medical IT system Introduction


    ACREL medical IT system insulation monitoring device and fault location system is suitable for hospital operating room, ICU (CCU) and other important places, and can provide a safe place for such continuous, reliable power solutions.

    2.醫療場(chǎng)所供電解決方案Power Supply Solution for Medical Locations

    2.1 ICU、CCU病房配電解決方案(以GGF-I8G隔離配電柜系統圖為例)

    2.1ICU, CCU ward Distribution Solutions (GGF-I8G isolate electrical cabinet system diagram, for example)

    方案一  不帶故障定位功能

    Option I  without fault location function

    方案二 帶故障定位功能

    Option II  with fault location function


    NOTE: In the power distribution solutions of intensive care unit , AID series centralized alarm and display device should be installed in the nurses 'station, the hospital staff of nurses' station monitor the Operating status of each isolated power system


    Operating Room Distribution Solutions (GGF-O8G isolate electrical cabinet system diagram, for example)

    方案一 不帶絕緣故障定位功能

    Option I  without insulation fault location function

    方案二 帶絕緣故障定位功能

    Option II  with insulation fault location function



    Note: 1. In the operating room power distribution solutions, AID series of external alarm and display device should be installed on the intelligence panel inside the operating room, or next to the intelligence panel (wall mounted installation). During surgery, the medical staff monitor the health of isolated power system.

    2. In the scheme with insulation fault location function,if the number of located channels  is more than eight,two sets of AIL150 locator can be used. The combination can be AIL150-8  and AIL150-4 (up to 12 channels), or AIL150 -8 and AIL150-8 (up to 16 channels).

    3.接線(xiàn)圖Typical wiring diagram

    4.醫療IT七件套產(chǎn)品介紹 Introduction of 7-Piece Medical IT

    5.現場(chǎng)圖片 On site Photos

    參考文獻 Bibliography

    1、IT System Insulation Monitoring Device and Fault Location System of Acrel.

    2、IEC60354-7-710,Electrical installations of buildings-Part 7-710:Requirements for special installations or locations - Medical locations.

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


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