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    更新時(shí)間:2022-12-24      瀏覽次數:443


    Abstract: according to the electric energy use characteristics of biological products companies, has established accord with the actual situation of the company energy management system, this paper introduces the architecture of the system and its application in enterprises, improve the company's energy data real-time monitoring ability, optimizing the allocation of the company's energy, electric energy consumption, reduce the company targeted to solve the problem of the energy loss in the company's production activities.


    Key words: Energy management;Data analysis;Electric energy metering;Energy conservation and emissions reduction



    Energy is an important material material to promote the development of human economy. Scientific and effective measurement and monitoring of energy resources plays a key role in the quality of products produced by biological enterprises. Biopharmaceutical companies require equipment to work continuously when producing products, and continuous energy supply is the basic requirement to achieve this condition.According to the characteristics of production and operation, enterprises should strengthen energy supervision and formulate a reasonable energy management system, which can not only improve production efficiency, but also reduce production costs, so that enterprises can have stronger competitiveness in the market.


    Brief introduction of enterprise electric energy consumption



     Biomedicine industry is a high-tech industry with high technology content, high investment, high income and high risk. Its high technology is not only reflected in the high standards and strict requirements of product quality, but also reflected in the high requirements of production equipment and production environment. Long r&d cycles and high upfront costs have led to large investments in clean plants and other public energy system facilities that meet GMP requirements and biological product standards.

    According to our company's annual main energy consumption statistics, the total energy consumption is about 20,000 tons of standard coal.According to the investigation and analysis, the energy system operates with load all year round, and the energy consumption changes periodically with season and time. In summer and winter, the energy consumption is large, while in spring and autumn, the energy consumption is small.The energy consumption is large in the day and small at night, and the energy operation is unbalanced.


    Architecture of the Electric Energy Management System

    能源管理系統是以能源計量、數據傳輸及分析為一體的實(shí)時(shí)性管理系統。它依托有線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信,實(shí)現企業(yè)動(dòng)力系統實(shí)時(shí)監控、能耗綜合統計分析、成本分攤、對高耗能負載設備進(jìn)行特性分析,實(shí)現能源的優(yōu)化分配,更好地實(shí)現節能減排。 


    Energy management system is a real-time management system integrating energy measurement, data transmission and analysis.Relying on wired network communication, it can realize real-time monitoring of enterprise power system, comprehensive statistical analysis of energy consumption, cost allocation, and analysis of advanced characteristics of energy-consuming load equipment, so as to realize optimal allocation of energy and achieve better energy conservation and emission reduction. 

    The enterprise energy management system consists of online monitoring data acquisition system, energy data transmission system, energy operation supervision system, energy efficiency analysis and management system, etc.

    2.1電力能源管理系統功能Power energy management system functions

    能源管理系統主要由能源監管、監控和能源信息平臺組成。其中能源管理平臺由服務(wù)器、數據庫、智能數據采集器和前置機等設備組成。能源監測系統是對能耗數據進(jìn)行采集、統計、分析的處理平臺。能源信息平臺是指由末端能耗儀表組成的采集層網(wǎng)絡(luò )平臺。

    The energy management system is mainly composed of energy supervision, monitoring and energy information platform. The energy management platform consists of server, database, intelligent data collector and front-end machine.Energy monitoring system is a processing platform for collecting, counting and analyzing energy consumption data.Energy information platform is a collection layer network platform composed of terminal energy consumption meters.

    2.2電力能源采集方式Electric energy collection method



    With the gradual improvement of the first, second and third level energy metering equipment of our company, there are higher requirements on the effectiveness and accuracy of energy source data, and the manual meter reading method can no longer meet the above requirements.In order to realize real-time and accurate data management, it is necessary to replace traditional manual operation with intelligent acquisition equipment with advanced technology, high precision and good reliability.

    The power supply nature of our company is the load enterprise, the central distribution room is the double circuit power supply.The workshop adopts electronic power meter to measure the electric energy, which can provide the basic measurement data of three-phase voltage, current and power with high precision, and has multiple functions such as compound rate calculation, demand calculation, harmonic calculation and so on.Modular design for easy function expansion and large screen display for easy data reading.According to the number of electricity meters assembled, the workshop chooses intelligent data collector with port 16, port 8 and port 4 to meet the requirements.As a bridge between metering equipment and control host, the collector's protocol conversion function can replace the preprocessor to select different acquisition protocols, collect real-time data of various intelligent equipment, and realize information summary and processing.

    2.3網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信功能Network communication function


    The energy monitoring system adopts bus, RS485 communication line, ethernet line, optical fiber and other communication modes. The system is compatible with other communication devices, and displays the running status and online running parameters of the energy system by monitoring the large screen.According to the energy monitoring requirements related to the project, each energy subsystem diagram can be modified and configured according to the requirements or actual operating conditions, and the system will reflect the operation parameters in real time according to the modified conditions.

    3電力能源管理系統應用Application of electric energy management system


    The power energy management system releases energy data to the company's LOCAL area network. Specific indicators include real-time monitoring, statistical reporting, analysis and comparison, accident alarm, target management, energy conservation assessment, etc.Managers and technicians can read the relevant data under the appropriate authority.The platform can fully reflect a variety of functions, interface clear, easy to understand, easy to understand.

    3.1能源管理系統功能Energy management system functions

    3.1.1電能數據采集 Power data acquisition

    (1)能耗數據采集方式有智能設備采集和人工抄表兩種方式。采集器可獨立保存15~30天的歷史數據,防止網(wǎng)絡(luò )中斷恢復后的數據補錄。


    (3)數據自動(dòng)采集間隔不超過(guò)1 min,數據存儲間隔可根據實(shí)際需求進(jìn)行靈活設置,存儲間隔支持5 min。 


    (1) There are two ways of energy consumption data collection: intelligent equipment collection and manual meter reading.The collector can save the historical data of 15 ~ 30 days independently to prevent the replacement of data after network interruption and recovery.

    (2) Automatic collection of intelligent instrument data support RS485, M-BUS or Ethernet standard interface and standard MODBUS, DLT-645, CJT-188 and other communication protocols, for the use of non-standard protocol instrument support communication interface program development, to ensure the normal data collection.

    (3) The interval of automatic data collection is no more than 1 min. The data storage interval can be flexibly set according to actual requirements. The storage interval supports 5 min. 

    (4) Main acquisition parameters include three-phase voltage, three-phase current, active power, reactive power, power factor, electric degree, etc.

    3.1.2電能數據報表Power data report


    (2)系統支持創(chuàng )建新的符合管理人員實(shí)際管理需求的能耗統計報表。 



    (1) The system provides daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports of energy consumption statistics in fixed formats such as classification, itemization and subdivision. 

    (2) The system supports the creation of new energy consumption statistics that meet the actual management needs of managers. 

    (3) All reports support manual generation and regular automatic generation and mail distribution. 

    (4) All system reports can support office automation software(Excel).

    3.1.3設備信息管理Equipment information management



    (1) Metering instrument information management.It can flexibly define the energy use attribute and ownership relationship of measuring instruments at each collection point, and the system can automatically complete the corresponding energy consumption data statistics according to the instrument attributes.Visual monitoring of on-line status of metering instruments, and the realization of instrument fault alarm;Conduct integrity statistics of instrument data, evaluate the validity of data in case of missing data, and remind operators to check and maintain;Supports remote query and setting of internal parameters of the instrument, including instrument address, communication rate, wiring mode, CT variable ratio, PT variable ratio, etc. 

    (2) Energy equipment information management.The system can realize the classified management of equipment according to the attribute of equipment energy use.Can monitor the running state and key parameters of energy-using equipment, establish equipment asset management and maintenance management files;Manage the historical maintenance record and maintenance plan of the equipment online to make the production process safe and stable.

    3.1.4系統安全管理System safety management

    (1)用戶(hù)管理。系統可以根據需要創(chuàng )建、刪除用戶(hù),允許管理員負責管理組內用戶(hù)。 



    (1) User management.The system can create and delete users as needed, allowing administrators to be responsible for managing users within a group. 

    (2) Authority management.The system login needs to be verified by user password and permission, and all operational events are recorded. It supports hierarchical authorization mechanism, and personnel with different administrative authority can access hierarchically according to system Settings.

    (3) Log management.The system records/queries the user's various operations, alarm information, etc., and records/queries the error and diagnostic log information in its own operation process.

    3.2能源消耗分析與管理Energy consumption analysis and management


    According to the drug production quality management standard of bio-pharmaceutical enterprises, the energy needed for production shall be managed.Energy platform based on analysis of the data of the energy in the process of enterprise production cost allocation, promotes each production workshop to improve production technology and promote the upgrading of energy-consuming equipment, realize the departments of energy consumption and production workshop benchmarking, scientific and accurate definition and analysis of the energy consumption cost of each department team, convenient financial data calculation, the energy cost allocation to each department, analysis of energy consumption departments, analyze the effect of energy consumption cost based data maintenance, etc.

    4安科瑞工業(yè)能耗管理平臺介紹Introduction of Acrel industrial energy consumption management platform

    4.1平臺架構介紹Platform Architecture Introduction

    安科瑞能源管控系統采用分層分布式網(wǎng)絡(luò )結構,具有良好的可靠性與實(shí)時(shí)性,主要由現場(chǎng)設備層(能源計量終端)、通訊管理層(通訊管理終端)和主站層(能源監控平臺)三個(gè)部分組成。


    Acrel energy management and control system adopts the layered and distributed network structure, which has good reliability and real-time performance. It is mainly composed of three parts: the field equipment layer (energy metering terminal), the communication management layer (communication management terminal) and the main station layer (energy monitoring platform).

    The above three parts run through the whole structure of the system respectively.The overall design structure of the energy management system is designed according to the basic structure of energy management. While meeting the above three parts, part of the analysis, monitoring, decision-making and release platform is added.


    Architecture composition of industrial energy consumption management platform

    4.2平臺功能介紹 Platform function introduction


    Function diagram of industrial energy consumption management

    4.2.1可視化展示 Visual presentation


    Display the total amount of energy consumption, discount value, energy cost, energy consumption trend, proportion of energy consumption by item, regional energy consumption comparison, as well as current weather conditions and pollution situation, and display the energy consumption dynamics of important processes or sections of the enterprise in three dimensions.

    4.2.2實(shí)時(shí)監控 Real-time monitoring


    Real-time monitoring of energy use and alarm at each point of the enterprise.In this way, enterprise users can monitor the operation of each point in real time and grasp the alarm of the point more quickly.

    4.2.3用能統計 Energy consumption statistical

    從能源使用種類(lèi)、監測區域、生產(chǎn)工藝/工段時(shí)間、分項等維度,采用曲線(xiàn)、餅圖、直方圖、累積圖、數字表等方式對企業(yè)用能統計、同比、環(huán)比分析、折標對比,找出能源使用過(guò)程中的漏洞和不合理地方,從而調整能源 分配策略,減少能源使用過(guò)程中的浪費。

    From the types of energy use, monitoring area, production process/section time, disciplines such as dimension, use curve, pie charts, histograms, cumulative figure, digital table can use statistics, year-on-year, from analysis of the enterprise, the contrast, find out loopholes in the process of using energy and unreasonable place, so as to adjust the energy allocation strategy, reduce energy waste in the process of use.

    4.2.4單耗統計Single consumption statistics


    Docking with enterprise MES system, through product output and energy consumption data collected by the system, the trend chart of product consumption per unit was generated in the product consumption, and the year-on-year and sequential analysis was carried out.So that the enterprise can adjust the production process according to the product consumption, thus reducing energy consumption.

    4.2.5績(jì)效分析Performance Analysis


    The use, consumption and conversion of various types of energy are compared and assessed by KPI according to the performance indicators formulated by energy plan or quota, including day, week, month, year and designated period according to shift group, region, production line and section, so as to help enterprises understand the internal energy efficiency level and energy saving potential.

    4.2.6能耗預測Energy consumption prediction


    By analyzing the energy consumption of the production process and production equipment of the enterprise, the calculation model of energy consumption is established, the data and model are modified according to the artificial intelligence algorithm, and the future trend of energy consumption of the enterprise is predicted and analyzed, so as to provide an effective decision basis for energy conservation.

    4.2.7運行監測Operation monitoring


    The system collects data on the energy consumption of the region, section and equipment, monitors the operation status of the equipment and process, such as temperature, humidity, flow, pressure, speed, etc., and supports the one-time operation monitoring of the transformer and distribution system.It can browse the managed energy consumption data directly from the dynamic monitoring plan, and can query the relevant energy consumption by energy type, workshop, section, time and other dimensions.

    4.2.8分析報告Analysis report


    Year, month, day of enterprise energy utilization, line loss situation, the equipment running status, operational conditions, such as statistical analysis, let users understand the operation of system, and provide data for the user base, and easy to find equipment is unusual, to find out the improvement points, and can use of mining and energy saving potential.

    4.2.9移動(dòng)端支持terminal support


    The APP supports Android and IOS operating systems, making it easy for users to grasp the enterprise's energy consumption, efficiency analysis, quarter-on-quarter analysis, energy consumption folding, energy use prediction, operation monitoring, abnormal alarm, etc. according to different dimensions such as energy classification, region, workshop, process, team, equipment, etc.

    4.3工業(yè)能耗平臺設備選型Equipment selection for industrial energy consumption platform


    Industrial energy consumption management equipment selection table



    The use and development of the company's energy management system can make up for the shortcomings of bio-pharmaceutical enterprises in energy management, and the application of digital energy information can facilitate managers to read the enterprise's energy consumption directly.Compared with the previous manual meter reading method, the automatic, real-time and intelligent energy management system greatly improves the work efficiency, and also provides conditions for accurate energy data statistics, analysis and recording in the later stage.

    5.1系統運行連續、可靠、安全 The system runs continuously, reliably and safely


    The energy management system improves the function of the system according to the energy use characteristics of bio-pharmaceutical enterprises.The system can continuously and reliably evaluate and match the company's energy consumption indicators, and strengthen the monitoring of key energy consumption data and energy consumption equipment. 

    5.2系統操作使用簡(jiǎn)便 The system is easy to operate and use


    From the analysis and summary of energy management personnel to the review and approval of relevant leaders, from departmental energy management to enterprise energy summary and report, the whole work process is clear and easy to understand, in line with the overall energy management requirements and enterprise energy management standards.

    5.3系統監管簡(jiǎn)潔合理 System supervision is simple and effective


    This system carries on the energy data management according to the EMS mode, causes the system operation to be concise, carries on the centralized management control to the decentralized energy data.According to the data analysis results, the corresponding solutions are proposed to achieve the energy conservation targets set by the enterprise. 

    5.4實(shí)現精細化管理 Implementation of fine management


    Through the automatic data collection of the energy management system, the real-time and accuracy of the data are greatly improved, and the refined energy management is realized.

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


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