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    更新時(shí)間:2022-12-21      瀏覽次數:309


    Abstract: This paper introduces the application of ackry APM series AC meter in the AC side of Bulgarian photovoltaic system. It is mainly used to measure the current in the photovoltaic system, and cooperate with the transformers to measure, communicate and control the circuit system.

    1.項目概述Project Overview


    The company is located in Bulgaria. The company is mainly engaged in the design / installation, construction / maintenance of small photovoltaic power generation center projects in Bulgaria and surrounding countries. The customer wants to use AC meters apm801, apm810 and mutual inductors for monitoring, metering and communication of current and voltage at the AC side of photovoltaic system, and control by using the switching value function of APM meter. 

    2.APM系列儀表簡(jiǎn)介APM Series Energy Meters


    APM系列電能表具有全功率測量、電能統計、電能質(zhì)量分析和網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信等功能,主要用于供電網(wǎng)絡(luò )質(zhì)量的綜合監測。

    本系列儀表采用模塊化設計,具有豐富的外部DI/DO模塊、AI/AO模塊、帶T-Flash(TF)卡的事件記錄(SOE)模塊、網(wǎng)絡(luò )通信模塊、溫濕度測量模塊功能,可實(shí)現電路全功率測量和開(kāi)關(guān)狀態(tài)監測,具有以太網(wǎng)接口的雙RS485可實(shí)現RS485主站的數據拷貝,無(wú)需進(jìn)行數據交換。PROFIBUS-DP接口可實(shí)現高速數據傳輸和聯(lián)網(wǎng)功能。

    APM series power meters of ACREL are power meters that are designed according to IEC standards and synchronized with international advanced technology.

    APM series meters have full power measurement, energy statistics, analysis of power quality and network communications and other functions, are mainly used for comprehensive monitoring of the quality of power supply network.

    This series of meters use a modular design, with a rich function of the external DI / DO module, AI / AO module, event recording (SOE) module with T-Flash (TF) card, network communication module, Temperature and humidity measurement module, can achieve full power measurement of electrical circuit and monitoring of switch status, Dual RS485 with Ethernet interface can realize data copying of RS485 master station, eliminating the need for data switching exchange. PROFIBUS-DP interface can realize high-speed data transmission and networking function.

    3.型號及功能介紹Type and Function Description

    4. 技術(shù)參數Technical parameters

    Table 2 technical parameter descriptions

    5.客戶(hù)特殊需求  Requirements from Customer


    (1) 監控電壓:L1-N、L2-N、L3-N。非標稱(chēng) = 230V

    (2) 過(guò)壓時(shí)切換繼電器輸出。分為兩步,

        第 1 步:110% 非標稱(chēng)或 253V - 延遲 60 秒(s);

        第2步,115% 的非標稱(chēng)或 264V - 延遲 0.1s;設置范圍: U:非標稱(chēng)的 100-140%,未列出步驟,可能是 1V 或 1%;延遲0.05s 到 60s,未列出步驟,可能 1s;      

    (3) 欠壓時(shí)切換繼電器輸出:

    第①步;非標稱(chēng)電壓或 184V 的 80% - 延遲 0.2s;設置范圍: U:非標稱(chēng)電壓的 10-100%,未列出步驟,可能是 1V 或 1%;延遲0.05 s 到 3s,步驟未列出,可能為 1s;

    (4) 過(guò)頻時(shí)切換繼電器輸出:

        第①步; 50.5Hz——延遲0.1s;設置范圍:F:50-52.5Hz,step 0.1Hz;延遲

    (5) 超頻時(shí)切換繼電器輸出

    (6) 恢復延遲。由于先前的一些原因,當DO打開(kāi)時(shí),在網(wǎng)格參數回到標稱(chēng)范圍后應該有時(shí)間延遲。時(shí)間范圍1-60秒,step 1秒

    (7) 附加設置。(如果可能的話(huà))。

       7.1.當非標稱(chēng)值低于60-70% 時(shí),可禁用低頻和超頻監測;

       7.2. 當發(fā)生超頻/低頻時(shí) -- DO不應該自動(dòng)恢復,它應該等待手動(dòng)/遠程等方式恢復。

    terms of reference from grid supplier:

    (1)monitoring voltages: L1-N, L2-N, L3-N. Unominal = 230V;

    (2)switching relay output at overvoltage: 2 steps:

     Step 1: 110% of Unominal or 253V - delay 60 seconds (s) ;

     Step 2: 115% of Unominal or 264V - delay 0.1s;

    (3)switching relay output at undervoltage:

    1-step; 80% of Unominal or 184V - delay 0.2s; Range of settings: U: 10-100% of Unominal, step not listed, maybe 1V ot 1%; Delay: 0.05 s to 3s, step - not listed, maybe 1s;

    (4)switching relay output at overfrequency

    1-step; 50.5Hz - delay 0.1s; Range of settings: F: 50-52.5Hz, step 0.1Hz; Delay: 0.1-0.5s, step - maybe 0.1s;

    (5)switching relay output at overfrequency

    1- step; 47.5Hz - delay 0.1s; Range of settings: F: 47.5-50Hz, step 0.1Hz; Delay: 0.1-0.5s, step - maybe 0.1s;

    (6)Delay for recovering. When DO is on by some of previous reasons, there should be time delay after grid parameter(s) are back in nominal range(s). Time range 1-60s, step 1s

    (7)Additional settings. (If they are possible).   

    7.1 When Unominal is lower than 60-70%, under and overfrequency monitoring can be disabled

    7.2 When overfrequency/underfrequency is happened - the DO should not be recovered automatically, it should wait for some kind of manual/remote restore.


    The above 7 items are the special needs of customers for the purchased products. Except that some requirements in point 7 cannot meet the needs of customers, other needs can be met. Basically solved the needs of customers.

    6.安裝圖片Installation Picture

    參考文獻 Bibliography

    1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2021.04

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


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