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    更新時(shí)間:2022-12-20      瀏覽次數:319


    Abstract:This article introduces the application of the multi-function energy meter in a farm in Mozambique and the solution of energy management system. The system adopts intelligent power meters to collect various electrical parameter and switching signals at the distribution site and the way of local networking, communicate via field bus and upload to background after networking.


    Keywords:Energy meter;Industrial projects;Intelligent power meter;Energy management system

    0 概述 Project Overview


    Acrel-3000型電能管理系統對變配電系統進(jìn)行分散數據采集和集中監控管理。對配電系統的二次設備進(jìn)行組網(wǎng),通過(guò)計算機和通訊網(wǎng)絡(luò )將分散的配電所的現場(chǎng)設備連接為一個(gè)有機的整體,實(shí)現電網(wǎng)運行的遠程監控和集中管理。

    The farm is located in Nampula, Mozambique, and mainly uses a three-phase electric energy meter APM800 and split core current transformers.It is used for electric energy and power measurement, and has event recording and data report export function.

    Acrel-3000 energy management system provides decentralized data acquisition and centralized monitoring and management of the substation and distribution system. It networks the secondary equipment of the power distribution system, connects the field equipment of scattered substation into an organic whole through computer and communication network, realizes remote monitoring and centralized management of grid operation.

    1 系統介紹 System Introduction


    現場(chǎng)設備層主要為多功能網(wǎng)絡(luò )電力儀表,這些裝置對應的一次設備分別安裝在電氣柜內,這些裝置均采用RS485通訊接口,通過(guò)現場(chǎng)MODBUS總線(xiàn)組網(wǎng)通訊,實(shí)現數據現場(chǎng)采集。

    網(wǎng)絡(luò )通訊層主要為工業(yè)串口服務(wù)器,其主要功能為把分散在現場(chǎng)的采集裝置集中采集,同時(shí)遠傳至站控層,完成現場(chǎng)層和站控層之間的數據交互。


    This system adopts a hierarchical distributed structure,that is,the equipment layer, the communication layer and the station control management layer.

    The equipment layer is mainly multi-function energy meters. The corresponding primary equipment of these devices are respectively installed in the electrical cabinet. These devices all adopt RS485 communication interface,and realize data collection through field MODBUS network communication.

    The communication layer is mainly an industrial serial server.Its main function is to centrally collect the devices scattered in the field and transmit data to the station control management layer at the same time to complete the data interaction between the equipment layer and the station control management layer.

    The station control management layer is equipped with high-performance industrial computers, monitors, UPS power supplies, printers and other equipment.The system is installed on the computer, collects and displays the operating status of the field equipment, and displays it to the user in the form of human-computer interaction.

    2 電能管理系統主要功能 Main Function

    2.1  數據采集與處理 Data acquisition and processing

    數據采集是配電監控的基礎,數據采集主要由底層多功能網(wǎng)絡(luò )儀表采集完成,實(shí)現遠程數據的本地實(shí)時(shí)顯示。需要完成采集的信號包括:三相電壓U、三相電流I、頻率Hz、功率P、功率因數COSφ、電度EpI、遠程設備運行狀態(tài)等數據。


    Data collection is the basis of power distribution monitoring. The data collection is mainly completed by the bottom multi-functional network instrument collection to realize the local real-time display of remote data.

    The signals that need to be collected include: three-phase voltage U, three-phase current I, frequency Hz, power P, power factor COSφ, electricity EpI, remote device operating status and other data.

    Data processing is mainly to display the electrical parameters collected as required to users in real time and accurately to meet the requirements of automation and intelligence for power distribution monitoring. At the same time, the collected data is stored in the database for users to query.

    2.2  人機交互Human-computer interaction


    The system provides a simple, easy-to-use and good user interface. Adopt full Chinese interface, graphically display the primary electrical wiring diagram of low-voltage power distribution system, display the status of power distribution system equipment and corresponding real-time operating parameters, the screen will switch regularly; the screen will be dynamically refreshed in real time; analog display; switch display; continuous recording display etc.

    2.3  歷史事件Historical events


    The historical event viewing interface mainly provides convenient and friendly human-computer interaction for users to view the fault records, signal records, operation records, and limit violation records that have occurred. Through the historical event viewing platform, you can conveniently locate the historical event you want to view according to your own requirements and query conditions, and provides good software support for you to grasp the operation of the entire system.

    2.4  數據庫建立與查詢(xún)Database establishment and query


    It mainly completes the timing collection of remote measurement and remote information, and establishes a database, and generates reports on a regular basis for users to query and print.

    2.5  用戶(hù)權限管理User authority management


    For users of different levels, different authority groups are set to prevent the loss of production and life due to human misoperation, and realize the safe and reliable operation of the power distribution system.Users can log in, log out, modify passwords, add and delete operations through user management, which is convenient for users to modify accounts and permissions.

    2.6  報表查詢(xún)Report query



    The main function of the report management program is to design report styles according to the needs of users, filter, combine and count the data processed in the system to generate report data that users need.This program can also adopt the regular saving, printing or summon saving and printing modes for the report file according to the needs of users.At the same time, this program also provides users with the function of managing the generated report files.

    The report has the functions of freely setting the query time to realize the electric energy statistics of the day, month and year, data export and report printing.

    3 產(chǎn)品介紹Product Introduction

    4 項目小結Project Summary

         在當今配電設施的應用中,項目的配電安全性至關(guān)重要,本文介紹了Acrel-3000電能管理系統可以實(shí)現對配電室供配電回路用電的實(shí)時(shí)監控,不僅能顯示回路用電狀況,還具有網(wǎng)絡(luò )通訊功能,可以與串口服務(wù)器、計算機等組成電能管理系統。系統實(shí)現對采集數據的分析、處理,實(shí)時(shí)顯示配電室內各配電回路的運行狀態(tài),對負載越限具有彈出報警對話(huà)框、語(yǔ)音提示,并生成各種電能報表、分析曲線(xiàn)、圖形等,便于電能的遠程抄表以及分析、研究。該系統運行安全、可靠、穩定,為工業(yè)項目解決用電問(wèn)題提供了真實(shí)可靠的依據,取得了較好的效益。

    It is paramount important that the safety of the projects in the application of power distribution facilities.This article introduces the application of Acrel-3000 energy management system can realize real-time monitoring of power supply and distribution circuits in power distribution rooms.It can not only display the power consumption status of the loop, but also has the function of network communication, and can form an electric energy management system with serial server, computer, etc.The system realizes the analysis and processing of the collected data, real-time display of the operation status of the distribution circuits in the distribution room, pop-up alarm dialog, voice prompt for load exceeding limits, and generates various electric energy reports, analysis curves, graphics, etc., which is convenient for remote meter reading, analysis and research of electric energy.The system is safe, reliable and stable in operation, providing a true and reliable basis for industrial projects to solve power problems, and has achieved good benefits.

    5 現場(chǎng)圖片Field picture


    1.Solutions for Enterprise Micro-grid System

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


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