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    更新時(shí)間:2022-11-23      瀏覽次數:328

    摘要:太陽(yáng)能是世界上快速增長(cháng)的能源,也是較容易獲得的可再生能源,采用太陽(yáng)能向電網(wǎng)輸電不斷增長(cháng)。同時(shí)電網(wǎng)公司通常要求光伏并網(wǎng)系統為不可逆流發(fā)電系統,即光伏并網(wǎng)系統所發(fā)的電由本地負荷消耗,即自發(fā)自用。在并網(wǎng)發(fā)電和儲能系統中,由于外部環(huán)境是不斷變化的,為了防止光伏并網(wǎng)系統逆向發(fā)電,系統需要進(jìn)行逆流檢測,通過(guò)實(shí)時(shí)監測配電變壓器低壓出口側的功率信號來(lái)調節系統的發(fā)電功率,從而達到光伏并網(wǎng)系統的防逆流功能。本文介紹了安科瑞 ACR10R與AWT100-4G在印度某泵行業(yè)的應用。


    Solar energy is a rapidly growing energy source in the world and the most easily available renewable energy source. The market share of the use of solar energy to transmit electricity to the grid is still growing. At the same time, grid companies usually require the photovoltaic grid-connected system to be an irreversible power generation system, that is, the electricity generated by the photovoltaic grid-connected system is consumed by the local load. It is self-generated and used. In the grid-connected power generation and energy storage system, with the external environment is constantly changing, in order to prevent the photovoltaic grid-connected system from generating reverse power, the system needs to perform reverse current detection, and regulate the power generation of the system by real-time monitoring of the power signal on the low-voltage outlet side of the distribution transformer power, so as to achieve the anti-backflow function of the photovoltaic grid-connected system. This article introduces the application of ACREL ACR10R and AWT100-4G in a pump industry in India

    1. 項目概述 Project Overview


       Indian customers plan to produce inverters by themselves. They need inverters and energy meters for government tender. They need ACR10T to monitor the electricity consumption of the plant equipment and use electricity meters to detect the energy consumption of each device effectively. AWT100-4G use MQTT protocol to connect the platform

    2. 技術(shù)參數Technical Parameters


    3.接線(xiàn)&安裝 Wiring & Installation


    Figure 1 Meter Shape and installing size (unit:mm


    Figure 2   Wiring Graph

    4. 組網(wǎng)拓撲圖Network Topology


    5. 現場(chǎng)圖片Installation Site


    6.結束語(yǔ)In conclusion

    ACR10R具有多種外圍接口功能可供用戶(hù)選擇: 帶有RS485通訊接口,采用MODBUS-RTU協(xié)議可滿(mǎn)足通訊聯(lián)網(wǎng)管理的需要; 帶開(kāi)關(guān)量輸入和繼電器輸出可實(shí)現斷路器開(kāi)關(guān)的“遙信"和“遙控"的功能,采用LCD顯示界面,通過(guò)面板按鍵來(lái)實(shí)現參數設置和控制非常適合用液晶顯示器和面板按鈕實(shí)現參數的設置和控制的光伏逆變器系統。

    ACR10R it has a variety of peripheral interface for user to choose: with RS485 communication interface, MODBUS-RTU protocol can meet the needs of communication network management; The function of “ remote signal" and “ remote control" of circuit breaker switch can be realized with switch quantity input and relay output. The interfaces with switch input and relay output can realize the remote signaling and remote control of the circuit breaker switch. It is very suitable for real-time power monitoring system with an LCD display and the panel buttons to realize the setting and control of parameters for PV inverter system.

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


    • 聯(lián)系電話(huà):18761503215

    • 聯(lián)系郵箱:2880581277@qq.com

    • 公司地址:江陰市南閘東盟工業(yè)園東盟路5號

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