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    更新時(shí)間:2022-04-09      瀏覽次數:394


    Abstract: With the rapid development of data centers, the energy consumption of data centers has become more and more prominent. It is an effective way to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption to provide a complete solution for data center. This article introduces the application of Acrel's precision power distribution monitoring device in a data center in Serbia.
    Keywords: AC multi channels power meter, Data Center.
    1.項目概述 Project Overview
      The Serbian customer needs to monitor voltage, current, power and other electrical parameters on DPU in data center, measure a total of 48 branches of A+B feed, and provide current transformers at the same time. Acrel AMC16 series products and split core current transformers fully meet this customer’s requirements.
    2.安科瑞數據中心配電監控解決方案介紹 Acrel Precision distribution monitoring solution for IDC
      安科瑞AMC系列配電監控解決方案是針對于數據中心對列頭柜的配電監控要求而設計的完整解決方案。數據中心需要對整個(gè)數據機房的用電進(jìn)行實(shí)時(shí)監測和集中管理,通過(guò)人機界面,實(shí)時(shí)監測末端服務(wù)器的用能情況和電能質(zhì)量數據,并通過(guò)觸摸屏通訊接口將數據上傳至后臺動(dòng)環(huán)監控系統,從而實(shí)現對整個(gè)配電系統的實(shí)時(shí)監控。同時(shí)可實(shí)現配電精細的能效分析,為配電網(wǎng)絡(luò )和服務(wù)器運行能效優(yōu)化調節提供依據,從而達到節能降耗的目的。
      It is necessary to real-time monitor and centralize power consumption in data center and data can be displayed on HMI,and uploaded to the power and environment monitoring system by RS485 on touch screen and realize real-time monitoring of whole power distribution system. At the same time, it can realize energy efficiency analysis to reduce energy consumption.
    2.1 Functions
      Incoming line and outgoing line circuits independent monitoring modules;
      Can measure up to 2 incoming line circuits and up to 192 outgoing line circuits current,voltage,power,energy and power quality;
      Data centralized monitoring and display by HMI and data is uploaded to power and environment monitoring system through RS485;
      For high voltage DC 240V or 336V system,insulation monitoring module can be added to monitor ground insulation resistance of main bus;
      DC24V power supply for touch screen and outgoing line monitoring module(power supply from main module output );
      Communication:monitoring device by RS485,touch screen by RS485 or RJ45,
    2.2 HMI

    3.結構圖 Structure

    4.產(chǎn)品選型 Product Selection

    5.現場(chǎng)圖片 Photos on Site

    編輯:安科瑞 孫斌


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    • 聯(lián)系郵箱:2880581277@qq.com

    • 公司地址:江陰市南閘東盟工業(yè)園東盟路5號

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