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    更新時(shí)間:2022-01-12      瀏覽次數:397


    Abstract: the user side consumes 80% of the electric energy of the whole power grid, and the intelligent power management of the user side is of great significance to the user's reliability, safety and saving of electricity. The intelligent power service system is constructed to promote the multi-function energy meter intelligent energy management terminal and other equipment power management solutions to realize the two-ways positive interaction between the power grid and the user. The research contents that the client needs to solve mainly include: advanced meter, intelligent building, intelligent appliance, value-added service, customer power management system, demand side management and so on.Acrel intelligent multi-function energy meter with intelligent energy management system to help customers achieve real-time monitoring, high-precision electrical parameters acquisition, easy to install. It is suitable for the itemized measurement of electric energy in government organs and large public buildings.
    1. 項目概述 Project Overview
      愛(ài)爾蘭客戶(hù)在其項目中使用 ADL200 進(jìn)行電量測量,在配電柜中安裝 Acrel ADL200 單相電能表。通過(guò)RS485通訊方式與網(wǎng)關(guān)連接,通過(guò)4G連接至服務(wù)器,將采集到的電參量信息實(shí)時(shí)反饋到管理平臺,配合用戶(hù)對工廠(chǎng)用電進(jìn)行監測和管理。
      Ireland customers use ADL200 to measure electrical parameters in his project. The customer installs Acrel ADL200 single phase energy meter in the distribution cabinet. It is connected to the gateway through RS485 communication, and connected to the server through 4G, and the collected electrical parameter information is fed back to the management platform in real time, so as to cooperate with the user to effectively monitor and manage the power consumption of the factory.
    2. 技術(shù)參數Technical Parameters
    3.接線(xiàn)&安裝 Wiring & Installation
    Figure 1 Meter Shape and installing size (unit:mm)
    Figure 2   Wiring Graph 
    4. 組網(wǎng)拓撲圖Network Topology
    5. 現場(chǎng)圖片Installation Site 
    6.結束語(yǔ)In conclusion
      ADL200 series of multifunctional energy meters adopt DIN35mm guide rail type installation with?small size , it can measure electric energy and other electrical parameters. Through RS485 communication and gateway, we can help customers to proceed effective real-time monitoring of energy consumption in factory.
    • 聯(lián)系電話(huà):18761503215

    • 聯(lián)系郵箱:2880581277@qq.com

    • 公司地址:江陰市南閘東盟工業(yè)園東盟路5號

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